Sunday, November 29, 2009

Case. Set. Match: 64cc Polini to ZA50

Thanks to a little help from reader Gabe B of Magnumdash and some
of his case matching photos on Flickr, I was able to continue with my
Dremel and wrap up this engine overhaul.

I brought the top 2 transfers all the way down into the case. This will
allow for better flow and cooling of the piston.

I also smoothed both side transfers further into the case. This will
hopefully create a bit more top end speed and power.


  1. sweet dude! what pipe are you planning on running? if you don't already have one, the REV-RUN is a rad polini pipe. it was an insane improvement over my modified estoril.
    gabe bandit

  2. Yeah man! Thanks! Actually Ryan Due of the Orphans is getting a couple of those REV-RUN pipes into his shop and he has secured one for me. He actually told me about its development a few months ago. It is the reason I went with the Polini and 15mm Bing for this build. He should be getting it in a week or so. Can't Wait! I saw your post on it on MA. Have you shot any video running that pipe yet?
